RE-WILDING - a relationscape
How can relations and community become expressive as choreography? How can our differences in age, body and experiences become poetic and dynamic?

In ‘RE-wilding - a relationscape’ a mixed cast of dancers aged 11, 19, 32, 35, 49 and 74 years, come together to dance and research together. Through our dance practice we cultivate listening, support, playfullness and resonance between each other.
The workingtitle ‘RE-wilding - a relationscape’ is a speculation on how a choreography can be a social landscape that, like the garden, can become a beautiful space of reflection, exactly because of the co-existence of many species.
The project is in it’s first research phase in the autumn 2024 and we hope to produce a performance in 2025/26
Medvirkende i 2024:
Julie Schmidt Andreasen, Camilla Schnack Telleftsen, Adrian Ulrich Skjoldborg, Jakob Bentzen, Selma Erkut, Otto Wolff Ørnsbo, Ellen Kilsgaard
RE-WILDING - a relationscape
Hvordan kan relationer, samhørighed og forskellighed komme til udtryk - gennem dans - som koreografisk form? Det søger jeg svar på sammen med en gruppe dansere fra 11-76 år.
Arbejdstitlen 'RE-wilding- a relationscape’ er en spekulation over hvordan et socialt landskab, ligesom haven, kan blive et smukt refleksionsrum, netop i kraft at mange arters sameksistens.
Projektet er i den første researchfase i efteråret 2024 på Forsøgsstationen i København og vi håber at producere et værk 2025/26.